According to a study conducted by PWC, CIOs and CISOs prefer an outsourced SOC because they are aware of the complexity of implementing such a system: setting up many tools, Performing forensics investigations finding experts in the field, mastering the tools, analyzing incidents etc. They made a wise choice, so can you.

Outsource your SOC to EGS

When properly implemented and managed, outsourced SOC services can be an important part of your organization’s cybersecurity program. Partnering with EGS can be a smart way to efficiently and effectively improve your organization’s Security Operations Centre. If you’re looking for one good reason to choose EGS SOC services for your company, we will give you eight.

8 things to consider before choosing EGS as a SOC vendor

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ISO 27001 Certified

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Access to Threat

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Services 24/7

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to your business

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Certified Staff

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Guaranteed performance-based SLAs

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Proven experience and expertise in your industry

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Customised to
your business

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