Secure Software Development Lifecycle


A programmer usually follows a software development lifecycle to create software. The secure software development lifecycle is a structured way of taking security into account during each development phase while building software.

Why do you need Secure Software Development Lifecycle?

Preventing security flaws from the beginning of the development stage is important in order to ensure a software application is well developed. Secure development entails the utilization of several processes, including the implementation of a Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) and secure coding.

EGS provides a risk measurement method for software security vulnerabilities and integrates it to a client organization’s risk management program. A client organization will be prepared to react adequately to emerging internal and external threats; guidelines will be provided for customized mitigation solution prioritization.


Phase 1 – Requirement Analysis

  • Analyze potential security risk
  • Generate relevant diagram (e.g. Abuse case)
  • Examine security requirements

Phase 2 – Software Design Analysis

  • Identify security design requirement
  • Review software architecture and design
  • Develop a threat modeling
  • Attack surface analysis

Phase 3 – Implementation Analysis

  • Analyze development tools and use only approved tools
  • Static analysis
  • Source code review

Phase 4 – Testing

  • Fuzz testing
  • Attack surface review
  • Penetration testing
  • Vulnerability assessment

Phase 5 – Release Software

  • Bug Fixing
  • Develop Incident Response Plan
  • Final Security Review
  • Release software application

Phase 6 – Delivery

  • Execute incident response plan
  • Report delivery

We’re here to help!

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